Online Resources to Help Professionals Help Clients Empower Themselves

Compiled by Susan Rogers, Director, National Mental Health Consumers' Self-Help Clearinghouse

Published in the Carlat Psychiatry Report, May 2012, Volume 1, Issue 3, Recovery and Empowerment

A list of resources to help professionals help individuals with lived experience -- who may also be known as clients, peers, consumers or a variety of other terms -- empower themselves, or to help these individuals directly. 

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The Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO)

"The Affordable Care Act provides consumers with significant new protections, including the ability to appeal decisions by plans to deny coverage of needed services and select an available primary care provider of their choosing.

"As part of the law, CCIIO is helping consumers appeal health plan decisions, understand the Consumer Assistance Program, and more easily understand and evaluate their health insurance choices." is intended to help you or someone you care about quit smoking. This website provides:
  • Information about a wide range of topics related to smoking and quitting
  • LiveHelp, the National Cancer Institute's instant messaging service
  • National Cancer Institute's telephone quitline, 1-877-44U-QUIT
  • Local and state telephone quitlines, 1-800-QUIT-NOW
  • SmokefreeTXT, the National Cancer Institute's text messaging service
  • Smokefree apps, quizzes, and materials to download
  • Publications to download, print, or order

Effects of Participation in Consumer-Operated Service Programs on Both Personal and Organizationally Mediated Empowerment: Results of Multisite Study

E. Sally Rogers, ScD; Gregory B. Teague, PhD; Carolyn Lichenstein, PhD; Jean Campbell, PhD; Asya Lyass, MA; Ren Chen, MS; Steven Banks, PhD,; E. Sally Rogers, ScD; Gregory B. Teague, PhD; Carolyn Lichenstein, PhD; Jean Campbell, PhD; Asya Lyass, MA; Ren Chen, MS; Steven Banks, PhD. Journal of Rehabiliation Research and Development. Volume 44(6), 2007, 785-800.

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Federal Multi-Site Study Finds Consumer-Operated Service Programs Are Evidence-Based Practices

After a decade of research on eight consumer-operated service programs located across the United States (1998-2008), investigators of a large SAMHSA-funded multi-site research initiative at the Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH) Coordinating Center report that participation in consumer-operated service programs (COSPs) by adults with serious mental illness had positive effects on their psychological well-being.

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