History of the C/S/X (Consumer/Survivor/Ex-Patient) Movement and Creativity and Recovery

PowerPoint presentation by Susan Rogers, Director of The National Mental Health Consumers' Self-Help Clearinghouse.

The history of the consumer/survivor/ex-patient movement for social justice is rich and diverse, and the arts have played a key role. This presentation covers some of the history, along with providing some information about the importance of creativity to the recovery of many individuals.

It was presented to a Temple University class in the Psychology Department on September 10, 2013.

The Awakenings Project

The Awakenings Project is a grass-roots initiative whose mission is to assist artists with psychiatric illnesses in developing their craft and finding an outlet for their creative abilities through art in all forms. The Awakenings Project also works to raise public awareness and acceptance of the creative talents of people living with psychiatric disorders who work in the fields of fine art, music, literature, and drama.
