Alternatives 2001 Dialogue Sessions

The Clearinghouse hosted Alternatives 2001: Freedom to Remember, Freedom to Choose, Freedom to Dream in Philadelphia, PA., on August 23-26, 2001. This event gives the consumer movement a place to share information about important topics such as mutual support and advocacy. It is also a springboard for participants to organize at the national level.

  • New to Alternatives this year was a set of "dialogue sessions" on 12 topics, such as multicultural issues, force and coercion and financing.

  • The dialogue sessions are a vital step in national organizing because they allow consumers from around the country to identify key positions on which there is consensus, and to develop action plans to turn these ideas into reality.

The Dialogue Sessions: 

The dialogue sessions are a vital step in national organizing because they allow consumers from around the country to identify key positions on which there is consensus, and to develop action plans to turn these ideas into reality.


Draft -- Multicultural





Alternative Services

Draft -- Forensic Issues

Social Accountability

Draft -- Community Support Systems

Draft -- Recovery

Draft -- Force and Coercion

Advocacy Background Paper -- The Summit, to be held August 26-29, 1999 in Portland, Oregon, is fast approaching. The background papers have been developed in conjunction with the facilitators for their respective sessions. The purpose of these papers is to provide a little history and help kick off the discussion on the various issues. It is our hope that people, through discussion and dialogue, will use these papers to help them develop a consensus statement and an action agenda at the meeting in Portland. Again, these papers are for background purposes only. They are intended as tools to stimulate thought and discussion.

Recovery Report from First National Summit